Saturday, September 18, 2010


well, yesterday pretty much was the best day of my year. i cant even explain. well...i can. it was just unbelievably awesome.
started out by skipping half of school; also right before we left my day was already made. ;) me and two of my best friends tori and siobhan got ready and drove there, took way too many pictures on the way, and when we got there spent too long in the wrong line. in the front of the building there was a guy standing with a sign saying 'you'll burn in hell', he yelled at us when we walked by. apparently we're going to burn in hell for going to a concert. right back atcha, idiot. in the line there were people from a record company stationed next to it looking for people with 'musical talent'. my friends made me sign up, apparently you audition for a record deal. anyway it asked for my name and phone number so i put it down, then the lady was like 'oh we need your area code', so i wrote down my zip code. and then she was like "uh no, we need your area code'. i just stared at her. then siobhan whispered 'your area code, like the beginning of your number'. ahhh. i was so confused. and i havent felt that stupid in a while. anyway so once we got in we went and got our seats, which, ok. were amazing, they were so close to the stage. then we went and got really crappy food and ate, then we hung out till it started.
first band was called kadawatha. i didnt even know other bands besides tegan and sara and paramore were playing. you have no idea how sweet it was that the two others did. anyway, they were from sweden, the singer had this really cool voice, he had huge range. anyway, they were amazing. and i am planning to buy one of their cds sometime soon. they did this one thing where at the end of the song they all dropped down, dead. anyway, that in itself was amazing.
the next band was new found glory. aand they were awesome too. they were really good, although after a while the songs started to sound sort of the same. but it was ok cause it all sounded good anways. they were really involved too, like they actually had the whole crowd do the wave, which was freakin amazing. definitely a highlight. then the singer got off stage and started walking around in the crowd, which was pretty sweet. i dont know, i think i could see a whole concert of them, they were really good live.

then, it was tegan and sara. and i literally almost cried when they came out onstage and started playing. and it also just happened to be one of the best songs out there. literally. it's ironic because i kept telling tori during each song 'this is like one of my favorite songs right here', and then after a while i realized that probably half of my favorite songs are tegan and sara songs. i cant even tell you how happy i was right then. really, just the whole time they were playing. and i adore them. really, really, i do. i've always adored their music, obviously, because its unbelievable, but 1. theyre also just as good, if not better live, and 2. theyre also really funny. there was one point where tegan forgot the lyrics to a song and she was just like 'hmm, i cant remember the lyrics, sara can you remember them? this is what happens when you get old, you start forgetting everything. we're now cougars, by the way. i know you all know the lyrics, too, i would have you get up onstage and sing them for me...but unfortunately...thats not really gonna happen.' anyway, they blew my mind. and you know what i realized? every single one of their songs is, basically. brilliant.

so then during the break we tried to go get stuff signed by new found glory, but we went through the wrong door and it led to some underground thing, it totally looked like a really nice underground club, and the only doors we found leading anywhere were leading to what looked like backstage. i wish we had been brave enough to figure out if it was. so anyway by the time we found new found glory the line was a million miles long and there was no way we were going to make it. this one security guy came up to us and said 'youre never going to make it, you might as well just give up and go back to your seats, paramores going to be long gone by the time you get anywhere close to new found glory.' he kind of pissed me off. ironically, we took his advice.

and then, what everyone was waiting for.
PARAMORE. i pretty much cried.

i cant even begin to describe to you how freakin amazing they were. i never thought i'd be able to say a concert could top paul mccartney, but...i'm thinking they were probably tied. and let me just say, that means ALOT. cause paul mccartney was quite possibly one of the best shows probably ever put on...ever. and in my was this one. they were just as good, if not better, than their records. actually, no, they were better. they were FLIPPIN AWESOME. ha, and no, i dont usually say flippin, but im sorta thinking the alternative would be frowned upon by readers. and hey, what if someday i get famous? i have to set a good example for the young ones who will look up to me ;) heh. right. anyway. hayley was amazing. her voice was pretty much the most amazing voice i've ever heard. she has a serious set of lungs on her, and it was like you could feel what she was feeling when she wrote the song because of how she sang it. it was gorgeous. and also, of course, her hair. is. so. amazing. and so, i have added it to the list of things i plan to do with my hair. along with shaving it off, then letting it grow back short but with emo bangs, dying it black for a day just to see what it would look like, and dark purple streaks. not all at once. just sometime in my lifetime. anyway, she is just so freakin cool. one thing she said just stuck in my mind: "you belong to us, and now we, belong to you." to me, that is just one of those perfectly placed things to say that just automatically gave everyone chills.

every song they did was incredible. they also dragged out a couch onto the stage and did an acoustic set, which was amazing. they are just unreal. one of the songs she did her classic 'everyone get out those cell phones and lighters', so i did. i had bought a lighter especially for it. seriously, there were barely any there too, everyone just used cell phones. lighters are so much coooler though, in my opinion. theyre original, sort of old school. it was awesome. even though i burnt myself with was worth it. the encore was Brick By Boring Brick and Misery Business, which blew my mind. the bass player did a flip off the back of one of the guitar players too,which was pretty sweet. misery business was the last. it was pretty much unbelievable. they blew bajillions of little pieces of confetti out to general admission, after we snuck down and stole some. :) but yes. they were incredible. i think i've pretty much used up all extremely positive adjectives to describe them, too, so i'm going to stop now. and also, this is probably the longest post ever. but i had to be thorough. anyway, got back at 2 am, went to bed, and we pretty much woke up and were like, whoa. that was amazing. and so, it was definitely one of the best nights ever. ;) me and tori were talking about it today, and i honestly feel like it was just one big dream. was probably the best dream. ever.
until later. :)


ps. my computer is being a freako and it wont let me load any paramore videos at the moment, but i promise. as soon as it stops being a moron i will load them. because they were so. freakin. amazing. ;)


1 comment:

  1. haha. obviously you were pretty psyched. its cute ;P
