Friday, June 28, 2013

That gun is loaded but it's not in my hand.

Hello again.

It's strange, because I always begin excitedly, with a million trivial things to say, and then all of the sudden they have all disappeared, leaving nothing more than an empty void.  Perhaps it is just that I like the muted tap that my fingers make every time they hit a key.  Or perhaps I just enjoy rambling about nothing in particular.  Either way, I am here.

Summer is officially come to stay, and I say that in reference to the heat wave we are stranded in the middle of; it seems as if the sun itself has inconspicuously snuck a little closer to the Earth.  As much as I passionately hate the heat, it is a wonderful excuse to take a nap in the middle of the day; let my eyes drift shut and allow sleep to sweetly take me.  And also, summer fruit seems all the more appropriate when the weather behaves accordingly.  The strawberries are like candy heaven, and the raspberries; I do love these lazy summer afternoons.
I honestly do not have much news, other than that I am going to do a music performance in a few months in a little cafe across town.  I am terrified.  Also elated though, I suppose, because I know it will be good for me; maybe I will get past my stage fright.  Otherwise, I have been doing a fair amount of writing, both musically and otherwise, and I am working on a quilt of all the different fabrics I brought back from India.  I can't wait until I finish it.  And working, of course; to the point where I even have dreams about scooping ice cream for hours on end.

There has been a distance lately, one that I absolutely abhor, and it scares me a lot.  I know that it is mostly my doing, but I feel rather helpless and I can't wait until it dissipates.
On the bright side, however, my love and I recently celebrated two years.  He makes me happier than I could ever dream to be.
Also, I made a berry tart today!  Which is rather insignificant to most I suppose, but for anyone who knows me well it is a triumphant day when I can bake something besides cookies without burning it, or ruining it in some other creative way.

I know this is a somewhat boring entry, but I just felt like writing.  There is something so terribly satisfying about a page filled with words of your own.  So thank you to anyone who reads this, and I promise to be more interesting next time.

Happy Friday,
