Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wild, honey.

I have news. So, it seems as if I may be going to India; it looks quite possible in fact. My boyfriend and his family invited me along, as well as his close friend. I cannot tell you how ecstatic, overwhelmed, hysterical, anxious, uncomprehending, full-of-disbelief-about-to-explode I am. I have been trying not to let myself get excited, get my hopes up, but he is not helping; he now has me nearly convinced that in a number of months, I will be on a plane with him, his family, and our other friend, flying halfway around the globe to the place of my dreams.
It's really very hard to imagine.
If I could go to one place in the world, I would go there, India. It's such a system shock, such a polar opposite culture, I can't even anticipate. The people, the architecture, the food, the landscapes, the lifestyles, the street markets, the colors. They are all present in my dreams, and now nearly every other thought I have is somehow correlating to that place. That place that I might very well be in a few months. Fingers crossed.

So I had to tell someone. Or rather, put it down on a light screen and let my fingers fly across the dash, typing out the words I wish I could spill to someone. To everyone. But I have been working so much recently, the only people I really see are the two boys that would be on that plane with me. So, here I am.

Be back soon, loves.

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