Friday, November 25, 2011

I'll be holding all the tickets, and you'll be holding all the fines.

It seems like so long since I have last written here, it feels almost a little new. I'm not entirely sure what it is that I have to say, so I will just start writing. Because it's something I'm good at.
These past few weeks have been mesmerizing, dotted with a few hours of spice here and there. A few weekends ago it was a party of sorts, which was dark and warm and smokey and yummy-smelling and laughing until my cheeks hurt and soft and late out and adventurous, so adventurous. A bit, at least. For me. I was so tired the next day, but it was so worth it, trust me. Next was last weekend, which was stumbling around town for hours, hiding and soft whispers between trees and muffled laughing and running, and, well, a bit of something very enjoyable. The next day was a party. I got all dressed up in a wine colored lace dress and pretty heels; felt so grown up. We spent the night dancing to strange music and engulfed in deep conversations. It felt freeing.
Then yesterday was Thanksgiving. Which was so very yummy. I love the holiday mainly for the food and the pie and the warmth, and the sound of the rain pelting the windows with the woodstove radiating heat and being surrounded by family. And I actually successfully made an apple pie, which, trust me, is quite a feat for me. Perhaps my cooking skills have finally decided to show themselves. Fingers crossed.

I feel like something big is going to happen, a monumental, significant, cosmically vast event; maybe it will turn my world upside down. I don't know why, exactly, it is that I feel this, but perhaps it is because my life has been pereptually stagnant of late. Perhaps it's time for a bit of a spark.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Make me a liar, yeah, one big disaster.

All the stars above our heads, faster they came faster they went.

I dreamt so vivid last night; never before has the wave of realization that dreams are figments of the imagination washed over me as such relief. I woke up nearly crying. But today, just seeing his face made it all that much more impossible and faraway seeming. It was okay again.
Otherwise, today was an average day, i suppose. Not much out of the ordinary, except for the switch of the hour, which allowed me to sleep in for what seemed like only a few deliciously warm minutes, but still. At least the sun was up before me.
Savor that precious hour while it lasts, loves.
